My vision for this website was to create a streamlined home that would feature all of this independent record label's artists prominently and equally, with all of the info you could ever need on each, and that would flow from one page to the next. I also wanted a clean and seamless way to find each artists' goods for purchase on the label's e-commerce platform; and to have a way for the site to have ongoing news, but to stay current with minimal effort. 

I created an index page to open the site, which leads to a page for each artist, featuring a similar template for every artist with bio, photo, video, soundcloud stream and contact information. Then, in the sidebar for each artist are social links as well as links to purchase that artist's latest release in the label's online store. As you scroll towards the bottom of each page, the index appears again, leading you down the road to the next artist.

At the top, you can easily navigate to the "on tour" section, which displays an almost identical index-style layout, this time only featuring artists who are currently touring. Each click takes you to a page with their tour dates, links to their socials and links to buy. As you scroll to the bottom, you're presented again with the index of other touring artists to dive deeper.

Finally, the "latest" page features a collection of the latest blog posts as well as the latest tweets and Instagram posts, to keep the site always looking fresh and current.